Home Office Makeover Tour
“It is impossible for a man to be made happy by putting him in a happy place unless he be first in a happy state.”
Benjamin Whichcote
After months of quarantine, changing news narratives, and hearing about bleach injections, it kind of feels like things are starting to spin out of control.
I decided to distract myself with some binge-watching and rewatch @InsecureHBO‘s 3rd season. And it was during the season finale where Issa finally unpacked her apartment that I got an epiphany. I need to root myself in my space.
I find that if I don’t have a place dedicated to growth and creativity, life seems more hectic. Here is a shopping list if you want to purchase some of the items I bought for the makeover or see some products I am eyeing. (Affiliated Link).
So I decided to finally set up and decorate my home office. This carving out of my space was unbelievably cathartic and freeing.
Even though it isn’t the fanciest office, bringing pieces of myself and personality into this productive space was so therapeutic and made me feel grounded and honestly in control.
What are some things you are doing to your space, apartment, office, or home to switch things up a bit? Share them with me! I need some DIY projects!
Click the video post below to see my office makeover process!