Valley’s may dip…but even mountains peak.(fake deep quote)
90% of our time in Costa Rica was bright, sunny and warm. But on our last day, clouds rolled in shading us from the intense heat.
The gloomy days of Costa Rica are my favorite, you really feel as though you are in the jungle. The landscape looks lusher because of the swift rain showers that sweep through the land.
This is my Costa Rica. Keep reading you have to see the beach!
The sand in Costa Rica is so beautiful. The mix of sand and volcanic ash gives it a speckled, charcoal appearance. My cousin collects sand from places she visits. I never really understood why until I saw the sands of Matapalo Beach.
I took a second to pay attention to its detail and uniqueness. Every grain of sand tells a story of the land it comes from.
Every grain of sand tells a story of the land it comes from. The sand here speaks of the beauty of destruction and rebuilding as a volcano’s eruption often destroys, yet makes the land more fertile for new and stronger life to emerge.
Costa Rica was made for those no makeup days…or is it the other way around?
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