A Stone Mountain Engagement Story

The PTO Nomad

This time last year, I woke up with the slight jitters. My body and spirit were telling me something was going to happen, but I dismissed it as nerves in anticipation of my play that day. My mom came in to see me perform and T.J.’s parents came to see him. It was really nice having our families together. I noticed some vibes off of my Mom but I thought it was her social awkwardness. We ate, separated and went back to our house.

I took a nap while T.J. and his dad watched college football. T.J. had mentioned hiking Stone Mountain, but I had hoped that if I nap until it was too late, I could get out of the (much needed) workout! Nope! He woke me up right after the game with some type of motivational quote.

I got up sluggishly and put on some workout clothes. We got closer to Stone mountain and T.J. began to park in an unknown parking lot. I am nosey, so I said loudly, “Oh no, we may get towed if we park here.”

There was a pause but TJ obliged. I shrugged it off as nothing and we parked in our normal spot and hopped out. It was a beautiful afternoon clear skies, light breeze but warm. If I was going to pass out from fatigue, this was the weather to do it!

I forgot to mention to you all how athletic TJ and his family are, so I’m walking up the mountain with the Incredibles basically. They are hopping on rocks and running while taking pictures of the scenery and our climb. Meanwhile, I’m reaching for my asthma pump.

We get to a clearing and the American Gladiator family decides to stop and look around. I thank the Lord on high for this break, plopped down, and drank my water feverishly. After what felt like 15 seconds TJ decides he wants to sprint the rest of the mountain. I roll my eyes and think God bless you, but you are on your own honey.

His parents agree to walk with me as we continue the trek. We climbed up and Up and UP until we reached the infamous incline steps.

Suddenly, I have temporary insanity and decide to sprint! I think I wanted to just get it over with.

Ask me what state I was in once I got up that incline. Vision blurry and weak, I sat down and rested.

I noticed T.J.’s mom was taking pictures of me and I could only muster a faint smile. They let me catch my breath and assured me we were almost there. Feeling like a member of the walking dead hoard, I stood up, took a gulp of water, and proceeded.

Within my haze, I faintly heard someone call my name. I turned my head to see my favorite cousin and his wife. I was happy yet confused to see them, and especially confused why he was hiking Stone Mountain in jeans and a Florida State University Football Jersey.

Then, he hands me an envelope as we continue up the mountain, claiming it’s free concert tickets. First of all, who has concert tickets on them at all times? I opened the envelope and saw it was a card.

In a state of fatigue, I squint to read the words inside. It looks like T.J.s perfect handwriting, and my eyes zoom in on the word. Does that say, wife…Wife…WIFE?? What do the other words say? Where am I?

Still disoriented, I look up and see my bestie is there, with flowers and balloons?

Suddenly, I see my family and friends walking towards me with huge smiles. It was like I was on a camera dolly, I felt like I was gliding towards them. A true out of body experience! I saw my aunts coming towards me and started crying due to happiness overload!

Then they parted and I saw him there, grinning in that little cocky yet cute way he does. He had his hands behind his back. Wait a Minute! Then the lightbulb finally flickers on!

Then, he drops to his knee and I let out a loud, “Yoooooooo!”

(So millennial of me, I know)

I started giggling, and I heard his voice but couldn’t make out the words until I heard, “Will you make me so happy and give me the privilege of being your husband?! “

And then he popped open that ring box and baby! It was gorgeous!

I instantly said “Oooo…” in my head but came back to reality and said “Yes! Of course!”

Cheering erupted as onlookers celebrated with our group. I normally hate the spotlight but that day I loved the attention. It was one of the happiest days of my life, you know.

My family, my friends, amazing scenery, and the surprise worked out perfectly due to the lack of oxygen to my brain and the energy to be alert to figure things out.

T.J. knows me and how I have A-1 detective skills. He knew fatigue was the only way he could surprise me!

I traveled up the mountain a girlfriend, complaining, griping about how tired I was, unaware of the blessing at the top of the peak. I came back down a fiancee, feeling so loved and hopeful of my new normal, my new future.

One year later, I look back on this day with the same giddiness and joy that I felt that day. You did all of this for me!

I’m so proud to be your now WIFE and so happy to go on this journey with you, my forever Groom!


  1. Maxine Williams says:

    This was absolutely beautiful. I was smiling as this story unraveled with the sweetness of life. #GoldenTimeOfDay

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The PTO Nomad