Qualifying Yourself: Rising Above Doubt in Corporate America

The PTO Nomad

Exploring the journey of self-validation for women of color in the corporate world.

Hey Sis! Let’s talk about something we know all too well: the whispers of doubt and the heavy cloak of scrutiny we wear, not by choice, but by the uninvited opinions of others. You know what I’m talking about. No matter how high we climb, there’s always that echo, “Does she really deserve it?” Well, I’m here to tell you, we do – and here’s why.

But here are the facts: women of color are a force in the corporate world. We bring unique perspectives, resilience, and innovation. Did you know that businesses with diverse management teams have a 35% higher performance rate? That’s us, making waves, even when the tide is against us.

Yet you’ve felt it, haven’t you? That sting when someone credits your success to everything but your hard work. “It’s because of how she looks,” they say, or “She’s not qualified.” Let me share a slice of my story. When I started in the corporate world, draped in my ambition, I was met with sideways glances that tried to dim my shine. It hurt, yes. But it also fueled my fire.

And yes, we have fun proving them wrong. I’ve turned those doubts into stepping stones, and with each ascent, I’ve found joy. Why? Because success is the best comeback. And when I share my stories, my travels, my wins – I do it with the flair and finesse that only we possess.

Imagine with me for a moment—a world where our worth isn’t a debate but a celebrated fact. Picture the boardrooms and offices where our voices aren’t just heard but sought after. That’s the world we’re building, step by hard-earned step.

We’re here not by chance, but by choice. By the values of tenacity, integrity, and sheer grit that define us. We stand tall, not just for ourselves, but for every sister who will follow the paths we’re paving. And trust me, we are worth every accolade, every recognition.

So, what do we do with the chorus of naysayers? We turn down the volume. We keep excelling, keep thriving, and keep showcasing our excellence. If you’ve ever been told you’re “too much” or “not enough,” let this be the moment you claim your space. You are worthy. Full stop.

We don’t need the external validation to affirm our worth, but let’s be real – it’s time the world recognizes the power and potential of women of color. Let’s continue to share our journeys, celebrate our successes, and most importantly, uplift each other. Because when one of us wins, we all do.

Hey Workwives! Have you ever had someone attemot to disqualify you? Comment what your experience was like below. And let’s encourage one another! Together, we’re unstoppable.

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The PTO Nomad