Should You Travel Internationally, Right Now?

The PTO Nomad

Let’s call a spade, a spade. The United States is definitely on the poop list as far as being able to travel to different countries around the world. This vacation black list, as well as the looming Coronavirus, has put a big wrench in many of our travel plans.

Yet, some brave countries are opening back up to the U.S. This has many wondering, should I travel right now?

My answer is YES!

Wait don’t get too excited because there are some BIG stipulations.

Countries around the world have restricted U.S. travel and closed their borders to us for a really good reason, our approach, and mindset towards COVID-19. They worked hard to flatten their curve with sheltering in place, social distancing, wearing masks, and practicing good hygiene. Naturally, they are protective of the homeland. As a whole the U.S. is a health threat to their people. And more than likely, they need the tourist dollars.

I say all of this to say that there are some Americans that are strictly implementing the health protocol that is proven to reduce cases and these people are the ONLY people I recommend leaving the country. And I mean strictly, and that goes for anybody in your household as well. If anyone does not wear a mask in your household, doesn’t disinfect their hands and items before entering the home, are continuously around the public and frequents gatherings, (at no fault of their own and thank you for your sacrifice) work high risk or on-site essential positions, or if you have high risk or elderly people in your home, I would suggest you sit this one out.

Some Americans argue that traveling to another low case country is actually safer than being in the U.S. where cases have exploded to over 4,700,000 cases!! And escape would actually be a good choice especially with the safety protocol that is in place in many of these countries, including testing prior to arrival and multiple testing while in the country. Many countries enforce masks and a curfew as well. I would HIGHLY suggest you visit countries that require PCR testing and enforce a safety protocol.

What do you think? Do you think anyone should travel right now? Do you think low risk citizens should?

DISCLAIMER- the information and views shared on this blog are solely of the opinions of the PTO Nomad. This advice should not serve as a substitute for medical advice from physicians and medical personnel or other officials. I am not responsible for any actions or results taken after watching this video. It is advised that you use your own wisdom and discretion to make decisions that are best for you and your family.

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The PTO Nomad