Without Fear, There is No Bravery

The PTO Nomad

Without Fear, There is No Bravery

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”⁣-Nelson Mandela⁣

From a young age we were all taught to be brave and don’t be afraid. We hear that the monsters aren’t real and being fearful is weakness, even childlike.Then we grow up and realize that the monsters are real but in different forms. They come as failure, pain, rejection, and loss. In my opinion, if you don’t experience some sort of fear, you aren’t taking chances or living your life to the fullest. To be fearful is human and natural. But conquering your fears and not allowing them to cripple you is where your true strength lies. ⁣

📍Marrakesh Morroco is one of my favotite cities. It literally awakens all the senses. The people are warm and loving, and the food amazing. This picture was taken in the middle of Jemaa el-Fnaa in the medina or old city. You will see all kinds of sights from street performers to snake charmers. This awesome shot was taken by one of them. Working with these cobras has seemed to strip these men of all visible fear. I believe thats what keeps them alive, the snakes can’t sense the fear so they know the deal and who’s boss⁣

Bonus Tip About Marrakesh
Have your tip money ready! This country has a HEAVY tipping culture. I borrowed a pen from a lady at the airport and she rubbed her fingers together, whixh is code for run me my money, lol. If you lock eyes with a musician expect to tip, get directions expect to tip, breathe expect to…well you get the idea, lol. Also bring your best haggling skills for the market. And eat the snails!

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The PTO Nomad